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Amelia Karginaite

Strong Woman

I’ve said a little prayer,

I’ve sat a little while,

I’ve wished for every minute to be the perfect one…


What came to her was pain,

and pain became her life.

A suffering so great,

it changed the mapping of her mind.


How can you remove a pain so deep,

buried six feet under ground.

Collect, collect, collect the broken pieces,

try to stitch them up.


And even though, 

the pain was life,

and it was all she ever knew,

She finally began to understand 

the meaning of her truth.


That she’s not the product of her pain,

and everything that happened.

Instead she’s here to be a marvel,

a goddess of her power. 


And burned to the ground she was,

Oh many, many times,

a wild woman rising,

from the ashes of her past.


More beautiful than ever,

dressed in nothing but the her strength,

She breathes fire, sun, the moon

and the universe itself.


They didn’t quite understand

the meaning of her being,

and how she stood so tall

in front of all her fears.


How dare she,

they thought,

Who does she think she is,

they thought.


Is she a wicked witch 

or an angel of the wilderness.


A wildflower flourishing,

glowing in the dark.


They try to hold her back

with nasty words and envy,

because they know her courage,

is bigger than their cage.


In the end,

she realised,

how beautiful life is.

The pain, the sorrow, grief,

is all part of the game.


One day she sat a while,

and said a little prayer,

I wish for me to stay,

and set my soul on fire.

I wish to be the woman

I was always meant to be,

so wild, untamed and free.

Amelia is a queer, feminist multi-faceted writer, who always has an opinion & isn’t afraid to speak up, stand up & step out of the lane of comfort. She is an intuitive, trauma-conscious yoga, mat pilates & reformer pilates teacher, mindfulness meditation coach, activist & a chronic illness & mental health advocate. She is someone who is very open about her own chronic illness & mental health struggles & this is why she strongly advocates & raises awareness around these issues, in addition to feminism, climate change, current world events & LGBTQ+.

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