Dani Kuntz
Nature's Miracle
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my archenemy by ancestry
the squirrel glares at me sideways
perched on a rock post-pinecone-drop
soft, damp grass
the best carpet for living
and watching
he jumps between the massive pines
a small being having the time of his life
and I, too, despite my creaking back
despite the fact of the CAT
equipment rumbling yards away
he twitters to his friends, family
the oversized pinecones
littering the bed of needles
the natural world is what I yearn for
to be shrunk and able to
crawl atop a blade of grass
and finally rest please fauna help me
I never wanted this and
I’m sorry please help me

Dani is an MFA-CW candidate at the University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe and holds a BA in English-CW. Currently, Dani is a freelance writer working as a manager at a big corporation. During her free time, she enjoys true crime, playing PC games, and cuddling with her cat.