Grace King
They took you in August
The earth rich and ripe
Clouds of lilac fill each field
Gathered for the women
Soon to be mothers
They bathed in your scent
Swollen in summer’s heat
Homes waiting aglow yet silent
Purple linen thrown upon spent sheets
Soon to be born
They clung to your strength
In the first light of a new morning
Joyful anguish rings out across the room
Easing the pain of women
Soon to be mothers
They sipped on your tomorrows
Gently rocking your children to sleep
They belong with you, in a room, a home, a field,
Lavender stems held by mothers and daughters
Soon to be named.

Grace King lives in London and is often seen behind the camera on film shoots or behind a laptop planning. Lavender is about the beautiful and powerful cycle that femininity has to protect, cherish and nurture our planet. Grace has explored themes of motherhood, hope and plentifulness.