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Kate McCormick

Observations of Another Kind

Inside is just a covered outside
Just as wild
Just as animal
Humans roam and stalk their prey
Eating their food they store for the winter
Before they disappear into the dark for a long hibernation

Peace is just a calmer war
Just as harmful
Just as broken
Anxiety and anticipation of what is to come
Everyone cautious of blowing up a verbal landmine
Causing the destruction of the very unstable peace

Rain is just a liquid sunshine
Just as dangerous
Just as beautiful
Scorching rays or striking showers
Unable to see in the heat or the intense drops
Yet, both equally as stunning to watch

I am just a duplicate of you
Just as judged
Just as self-conscious
Giving compliments and opinions
Forming my own dreams and thoughts
We are completely different, but the same

It is all just an illusion
Antonyms become synonyms with a flick of a pen
Words are just words
All alike on the page
Different in meaning
Yet, not in application

Inside, outside
Peace, war
Rain, shine

You and I

It is just an illusion


Kate Abrielle McCormick is a Masters student attending Queen Mary University of London. In her free time, she enjoys writing Feminist and pro-LGBTQ+ pieces, attending rallies, and teaching inclusive writing to younger generations. Some of her work can be found across PA where she resides, and on Amazon. 

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