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Maddie Rubenstein

All in Balance

I have yet to experience an embrace
Warmer than the hold of my parent’s arms
I have yet to find a love more consistent
Than the gut deep devotion I feel for my friends
I have yet to hear words more beautiful
Than those borne from life lessons
Of my teachers and guides


I will not deny the power of romance
I will not condemn its universal allure
I do not dislike its bouts of exuberance,
I do not disapprove of new discoveries


We’re made to think friendship is second best
But we’re also told to lean on our friends
We’re made to think we must rush to find someone
Not often enough advised to bond 
With those we already hold close


Every good romance is a friendship at its core
Every relationship is a tree tucked into my forest
Every connection a plant, a bird, an insect balancing my forest ecosystem
Even hallway hellos support my thriving forest growth

Put one tree above all else

Forget all other flora, fauna for a singular fixation
And the forest is unbalanced
All the other life dies
Uncared for


Just one lightning storm
Can take down the acclaimed tree
And with no more trees left to lean on
The whole forest is gone

Maddie Rubenstein is a writer from Mamaroneck, New York. She has been published in Stone Soup Magazine, Stella Nova Magazine, and Chinchilla Lit Magazine, and is soon to be published as a finalist in a StoryStudio Chicago contest. When she is not writing, Maddie enjoys practicing Taekwondo, drawing portraits, and playing trumpet.

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